Usually, we have about 2.7 seconds before people drop off and after the 10-second mark around 20% of viewers give up. We make ruthless split-second decisions every day when skipping a story or video post on your feed.
This is where good video structure + editing (thanks to pattern interrupt) comes in to improve your video watch time (and support your overall channel engagement).
I always stop watching videos when it takes forever to get to the point and/or it feels like one continuous unedited shot. Maybe what they’re saying isn't actually boring. Their delivery and editing are what make the content boring because it’s so monotonous.
To break boring monotony you need pattern interrupt. Pattern interrupt is any change in a video that helps refocus your audience's attention.
Pattern interrupt can be as simple as a subtle zoom in/zoom out to an animated text overlay with some fancy sound effect and filter. It’s anything that breaks the pattern of whatever is going on.
And psychologically speaking, it fools our brains into thinking we’re consuming new content.
Examples of Pattern Interrupt:
- Split a video clip and make the selected split segment zoom in and out
- Add sound effects to video to support making a point (e.g. victory sounds when sharing a win, laughter for something funny)
- Change the background music of your video to fit different segments and their mood rather than use one song the whole time
- Stop all background music, add a record scratch sound effect, and zoom in to yourself talking to emphasize a turning point in your story before resuming with new music
- Add animated text (e.g. intro new speakers in your video, present new step in a step-by-step video tutorial)
- Add filters and effects to video (e.g. you could add a black/white filter with to convey sadness, fire effect to express something that’s pissing you off, or a VHS/Glitch effect if you’re referencing something in the past)
These are just a few examples. Get as creative as you’d like exploring how pattern interrupt will look like in your editing process.